How to calm anxiety about returning to the office after Covid-19

How To Deal With Fear And Anxiety As We Return To The Workplace

“When walking into a room, look for all the colors of the rainbow in the room,” says Andrea Dindinger, LMFT, a marriage and family therapist in San Francisco. “Give your brain a task to focus on instead of the anxiety and fear creeping up. Tell your anxiety that you’re putting it on hold while you look for red, orange, and yellow. This lets your anxiety know that you’re in charge.” For anyone with work-related social anxiety, leading a meeting or speaking up on an important call with a client can be nerve-wracking. If you want to participate in big meetings—and feel good about it—practice what you’re going to say first. Dealing with normal work anxiety is challenging enough; but the added layer of social anxiety can really up the ante. To help keep anxious thoughts at bay, here are some expert-approved tactics to try. To help ease the worry, we’re breaking down how social anxiety can manifest in the workplace and sharing smart methods to cope with it.

  • Hill suggests using anonymous surveys to ask how employees view the return.
  • Throughout her career, Kelsey has been featured on radio shows, podcasts, and television segments.
  • In the past 10 years, I have also been working more specifically with first responder needs and working as an advocate to make sure their behavioral health needs are met.
  • Though it can be easy to let those thoughts dominate your time in the office, Wind challenges you to kick any negativity to the curb.
  • Or, you might know when to step away from a situation, take a few deep breaths or calm yourself by listening to music.
  • If you’re nodding your head in agreement, it’s likely you’re experiencing a bout of social anxiety, either for the first time or in a heightened way—and you’re not the only one.
  • (image/Getty) As time progressed and the curve began to flatten, stay-at-home orders began to lift.

But — like physical conditions — anxiety can also be managed. Managing anxiety at work often consists of two parts — dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and finding effective ways of managing your responsibilities. A therapist or coach can help How To Deal With Fear And Anxiety As We Return To The Workplace you identify anxious thoughts, unhelpful patterns, and create strategies to improve your experience at work. Many people with mental health conditions are afraid to tell their jobs out of a fear that they’ll be treated differently or fired.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

This way, they don’t assume that you’re willing to be a passive recipient of stressful information, Tarry says. “Examine what you can and will tolerate through statements such as, ‘I am in control of how I feel and how I respond to those feelings,’ or ‘I am able to accept I cannot change other people, even if I wish I could,’” Tarry explains. “You may not like [what's happening], but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it.” These are certainly risks that people have to face every day, especially if you’re at higher risk of contracting the virus, says Benton. However, focusing solely on the worst-case scenario isn’t the best way to prepare yourself for returning to public life. It’s helpful to remember that your anxiety is a reaction to something, rather than an unchangeable part of your personality, Tarry adds.

How To Deal With Fear And Anxiety As We Return To The Workplace

During this pandemic, it is critical that you recognize what stress looks like, take steps to build your resilience and manage job stress, and know where to go if you need help. Mental health treatment can help you manage workplace anxiety.

Separate grief from anxiety

If you find yourself losing concentration or focus and becoming wrapped up in worry, practice mindfulness. Become observant of your surroundings and refocus on the present moment. Try mindfulness meditation or any other practice that teaches you how to bring yourself back to the present. If you tell a trusted co-worker how you are feeling, they may be able to help keep you on track.

  • “If there isn’t a committee, propose one.” If you’re helping to drive the change, you’ll understand the rationale and there will be nothing to fear.
  • We fear the unknown, so what our leaders can do is share information regularly and be transparent about expectations and what is to come in a really easy-to-understand manner.
  • Part of avoiding “all or nothing” thinking is being prepared so you can adjust your expectations and behavior when returning to the workplace.
  • 49 percent of these individuals were also anxious that they would contract COVID-19.
  • Are you using your time wisely and still having to take so much time out of your day that you don’t have time to meet your basic needs?
  • This is an often-irrational fear that can come from being worried about losing one’s job, not producing positive results, or a host of other work-related issues.

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